Stichting Keep the Moment
Beeldende kunst, Cultureel erfgoed, Mediacultuur
We willen met de projecten maatschappelijke en sociale vraagstukken verbeelden om zo verschillende perspectieven in kaart te brengen. We maken gebruik maken van beeldtaal, een universele taal, die kan verbroederen door inzichten en ideeën over te brengen. Of in ieder geval een dialoog aangaat en bepaalde aannames aan het wankelen brengt.
Keep the moment brings together photography enthusiasts coming from many different countries and cultural backgrounds. We always work in small groups of 4 – 8 students in order to give full attentions to everyone and support their learning process, whether they are advanced or beginners. Photography is an ideal way to communicate visually, through imagery. Barbara is an experienced teacher who explain the technical and the artistic side of photography in easy to understand language. With lots of practice exercises in the studio and outsides, you will soon know how to use your camera in all kinds of situations. We have an extensive offer of thematic courses. We are organizing photography travels. So far, we have been to Morocco and Russia. We have also participated in an exchange project with Algeria (exhibiting their photos here in the Netherlands, and ours in Algeria). Some students from the school have been our local traveling guide. After the intermediate and advanced courses, we offer a photography exhibition with an opening party. Students can invite their friends and families to show them their work. www.keepthemoment.nl
Neem contact op met
Barbara Smeenk
Stichting Keep the Moment
Wagenstraat 123 L
2512 AT Den Haag