Workshop The Power of You (Engelstalig)


Find your inner confidence through drama! With a series of theatre exercises the student builds up a strong sense of himself, his ambitions and his qualities. The workshop leader creates a safe space for expression. With creative thinking and finding new personal resources, students develop empathy and improve their communication in English.

The students gather in a group with the workshop leader, where they start with exercises to make everybody feel comfortable. They will move physically, with body and vocal exercises, to stimulate blood circulation and ease the mind. This helps create a relaxed atmosphere for speaking and thinking creatively. The group tends to bond during this time and subsequent activities are surprisingly fun as they engage in theatre exercises together.

A dedicated space, like a classroom, free of furniture, with bags to the side is best for this activity. Students don't have to be perfect in English, but some knowledge and willingness is expected. The atmosphere is non-formal, where all cultures, identities and backgrounds make contact in a respectful way. The workshop is lead by a professional actor who is experienced with groups of all ages and sizes.

For larger groups, a second workshop leader can be added. Teachers are invited to stay in the workshop to watch and oversee the students. Extra time can be booked. The workshop are built to suit school timetables.

(Photo credit Carlo van Apeldoorn)


STET The English Theatre
Visseringlaan 23
2288 ER Den Haag

op school
€450 p/act
25 lln
60 minuten
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